mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Michael Heizer: French interview in Bern (1969)

Quand les Attitudes deviennent forme : Oeuvres-concepts-processus-situations-information, Kunsthalle de Berne, 1969. Reportage de Marlène Bélilos pour la Télévision Suisse Romande.
When Attitudes Become Form: Works-Concepts-Processes-Situations-Information, Bern Kunsthalle, 1969. Reporting by Marlene Belilos, Suisse Romande Television.

Please scroll down for English transcript...

Transcription de l'interview avec Michael Heizer 
(timing 5:27 - 6:37)

4:29 - 4:56 (intro)
MB : Michael Heizer, américain, est probablement le personnage le plus extrême et le plus inquiétant de cette exposition. Il dessine des droites, en général dans le désert du Nevada, parce que la surface y est presque parfaitement plane, les creuse ensuite, et pour que le trou ait une certaine durée, consolide en introduisant une forme de métal. Il recouvre cela de terre, mais le trou demeure à l'intérieur.

5:27 - 6:19 :
MB : Vous avez commencé par creuser vous-même, et puis maintenant, c'est les autres personnes qui creusent pour vous.
MH : ...comprends pas.
MB : You were digging, and now, they are digging. Why?
MH : 'cause I don't like to work [sourire]
MB : But do you consider that... [voix-off française couvrant cette question en anglais : "est-ce que vous pensez que la réalisation de votre projet est importante?"] 
MH : [hochement de tête négatif]
MB : ...the execution of what... 
MH : No...
MB : ...the project you had... it doesn't matter?
MH : No.
MB : And now, you are doing it here, but you were doing it in the desert. Why?
MH : Hum... parce que... je vis à... New York. Il n'y a pas de terrain... là.
6:24 - 6:37 :
MB : Devant la Kunsthalle de Berne, Michael Heizer a provoqué un accident de terrain artificiel. C'est lui qui a démoli le trottoir. Il parle de sculptures négatives.

Transcription : OBSART, 2012
Tous droits réservés. 
Transcript of the interview with Michael Heizer
(timing 5:27 - 6:37) 

4:29 - 4:56 (intro)
MB : Michael Heizer (American) is probably the most extreme and troubling figure of this exhibition. He draws straight lines, usually in the Nevada desert, because the surface is almost perfectly flat, then he digs, and in order to make durable the hole he strengthens by inserting a metal shape. He covers that with earth, but the hole remains inside. [speaking French]

5:27 - 6:19 :
MB : You were digging, and now, they are digging for you. [speaking French]
MH : (...) Don't understand [speaking French]
MB : You were digging, and now, they are digging. Why?
MH : 'cause I don't like to work [smiling]
MB : But do you consider that... [voice off in French, drowning out the English sentence : "do you think important the execution of your project?"] 
MH : [negative head-shaking]
MB : ...the execution of what... 
MH : No...
MB : ...the project you had... it doesn't matter?
MH : No.
MB : And now, you are doing it here, but you were doing it in the desert. Why? 
MH : Hum... because... I'm living in... New York. There's no land... there. [speaking French]
6:24 - 6:37 :
MB : Before Bern Kunsthalle, Michael Heizer caused an artificial irregularity in the cityscape. He wrecked the sidewalk. He talks about negative sculptures. [speaking French]

Transcript: OBSART, 2012
All rights reserved. 

PS: thanks to Observatoire de l'Art Contemporain for quoting this work in their section Online with... (18/04/12)

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