mardi 12 mars 2013

Avalanche Box (1970-1976)

Avalanche Box. Collection OBSART 2010

The complete thirteen issues 1970-1976

Avalanche was a unique media phenomenon in an age that crossed boundaries freely, a cross between a magazine, an artist book and an exhibition space in print.  
(Liza Bear & Willoughby Sharp, 2005)

Avalanche 1, Fall, 100 pages, b&w, Earth Art, 1970 
Avalanche 2, Spring, 140 pages, b&w, Body Works, 1971 
Avalanche 3, Fall, 100 pages, b&w, Post-Studio Sculpture, 1971 
Avalanche 4, Spring, 100 pages, b&w, Conceptual Art, 1972 
Avalanche 5, Summer, 84 pages, b&w, Performance, 1972 
Avalanche 6, Fall, 100 pages, b&w, Vito Acconci, 1972 
Avalanche 7, Winter/Spring, 84 pages, color, Humor, 1973 
Avalanche 8, Summer/Fall, 84 pages, b&w, 1973
Avalanche 9, May/June, 36 pages, b&w, Video Performance, 1974 
Avalanche 10, December, 52 pages, b&w, 1974 
Avalanche 11, Summer, 40 pages, b&w, 1975 
Avalanche 12, Winter, 40 pages, b&w, 1975 
Avalanche 13, Summer, 48 pages, two-color, 1976

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