Place for archiving, researching and transmitting born in 1994 that explores Land Art both in historical, critical and prospective perspective. It is aimed at “an audience as wide as possible” (Gerry Schum)
Founded by Marc de Verneuil (architect, critic)

Lieu d'archivage, de recherche et de transmission né en 1994 qui explore le Land Art dans une perspective aussi bien historique, critique que prospective. Il s’adresse à «un public aussi large que possible» (Gerry Schum)
Fondé par Marc de Verneuil (architecte, critique)

« Le Land Art est une pure fiction ; voilà pourquoi nous l'observons »
Land Art is purely fictional; that is why we observe it” (OBSART)

mardi 5 janvier 2016

Michael Heizer / H. Friedrich Gallery (1970)

Michael Heizer - Land Drawings (exhibition poster)
Heiner Friedrich Gallery, Munich, October 1970

Dim. : 80,5 x 108,3 cm
Poster unearthed by OBSART

Circular Surface Drawing (USA, 1968)
El Mirage Dry Lake, California, USA
Circular Surface Planar Displacement Drawing (USA, 1970)
Jean Dry Lake, Nevada, USA
Tangential Drawing (USA, 1970)
Jean Dry Lake, Nevada, USA
Tangential Drawing (DE, 1970)
Munich, Bavaria, Germany (work reenacted during the “Land Drawings” exhibition)
Tangential Circular Negative Line (CH, 1968-2012)
Mauvoisin Dam, canton of Valais, Switzerland 

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