Place for archiving, researching and transmitting born in 1994 that explores Land Art both in historical, critical and prospective perspective. It is aimed at “an audience as wide as possible” (Gerry Schum)
Founded by Marc de Verneuil (architect, critic)

Lieu d'archivage, de recherche et de transmission né en 1994 qui explore le Land Art dans une perspective aussi bien historique, critique que prospective. Il s’adresse à «un public aussi large que possible» (Gerry Schum)
Fondé par Marc de Verneuil (architecte, critique)

« Le Land Art est une pure fiction ; voilà pourquoi nous l'observons »
Land Art is purely fictional; that is why we observe it” (OBSART)

dimanche 14 octobre 2012

Munich Earth Room, 1968 (press release)

Maximilianstraße 11-15, Munich, October 2012
Photo : OBSART

Walter De Maria 
“The Land Show: Pure Dirt/Pure Earth/Pure Land — aka Munich Earth Room”

September 28 - October 10, 1968
Maximilianstraße 15, Munich
Heiner Friedrich Gallery

“De Maria, one of the leaders in this new art movement which is called the land movement, will also be seen in October in New York City in a group show called earth works
“The dirt (or earth) is there not only to be seen but to be thought about!
“God has given us the earth, and we have ignored it
“Early interest in the land comes to De Maria partly from his early days in California. Later interest in the land developed as De Maria lived in New York City for the past eight years! This interest developed because conditions were so crowded there was no land! Hence much time was spent thinking about the idea of the land![*]

Friedrich/De Maria
Munich/New York, Sep. 1968

[*] Excerpts from the press release, see: Suzaan Boettger, Earthworks: Art and the Landscape of the sixties, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002, p. 117.

Munich Earth Room (poster)
Munich Earth Room (photos)
New York Earth Room (darker)
RIP Walter De Maria (1935-2013) 

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