dimanche 15 janvier 2012

Levitated Mass, 2012 (world press review)

Dessin préliminaire pour Levitated Mass, 2011. © Michael Heizer

Michael Heizer, Levitated Mass, 2012
Collection: Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Film (1+40)
Maps (3)
Plans (2)   
Videos (24)

Photos (511+)
Rock-list (55)

Pre-history (3)
Press review (559)
Retro-spective (105)

Revue de presse mondiale (559)
International press review (559)
[↓2013] [↓2012] [↓2011] [Los Angeles] [⌂]

[en français ci-dessous...] Much has been written since the moving of the now famous 340-ton rock in the Greater Los Angeles, keystone of this monumental sculpture by Michael Heizer called Levitated Mass (2006-12) whose final installation on the Los Angeles County Museum of Art campus was inaugurated on June 24, 2012. This press review launched on mid-January 2012 now includes more than 500 articles, gleaned on the Internet since March 2011. With few exceptions, these publications from various sources (newspapers, art magazines, blogs, etc..) are in favour of the project. However, let's be careful not to see this editorial bias as the expression of any censorship. We had originally intended to produce a most comprehensive document, but the arguments put forward by the fierce opponents of the project persuaded us not to do so. Their vociferous criticisms towards LACMA, Michael Heizer and the generous donors, bearing on both economic, artistic and/or ecological issues, were hardly likely to spotlight the project, for three main reasons: first, because Land Art is not Ecological Art or Landscape Art, although one can sometimes find some commonalities between these different art forms; then, because there is nothing to gain from putting up barriers between the artists, as some have tried to do, with the good ones” on one side (Long, Fulton, etc..), and the bad ones” on the other side (Heizer, Smithson, etc. .); finally, because we know full well where the real problems of our society are, that is to say often very far from the sites invested by the aforementioned artists, and this whatever may be their practices and their particular relationship to the land. In light of these clarifications, feel free to consult this huge press review which questions, from multiple angles, one of the most sustainable artworks installed on Earth, built for 3,500 years according to Heizer, a work finally much closer to the Ecology of mind formerly stated by Gregory Bateson than the current ecological Orthodoxy. As usual, you are welcome if you want to help us to improve this database—like you are already doing it here.
Beaucoup d'encre a coulé depuis le déplacement dans les rues de Los Angeles du désormais célèbre rocher de 340 tonnes, clef de voûte de Levitated Mass (2006-12), cette sculpture monumentale de Michael Heizer dont l'installation définitive sur le campus du musée du Comté de Los Angeles (LACMA) a été inaugurée le 24 juin 2012. La présente revue de presse créée mi janvier 2012 compte aujourd'hui plus de 500 articles, glanés sur Internet depuis le mois de mars 2011. À quelques exceptions près, ces publications provenant de sources variées (quotidiens, revues d'art, blogs, etc.) sont favorables au projet. Qu'on se garde bien toutefois de voir dans ce parti pris éditorial l'expression d'une quelconque censure. Nous voulions au départ dresser un document des plus exhaustifs, mais les arguments avancés par les pourfendeurs du projet nous en ont dissuadés. Leurs critiques virulentes à l'égard du LACMA, de Michael Heizer ou des généreux donateurs, portant à la fois sur des questions d'ordre budgétaire, artistique et/ou écologique, n'étaient guère de nature à apporter un éclairage sur le projet, et ce pour trois raisons principales : d'abord, parce que le Land Art n'est pas un art écologique ou un art du paysage, bien que l'on puisse trouver parfois quelques points communs entre ces différentes formes d'art ; ensuite, parce qu'il n'y a rien à gagner à ériger des barrières entre les artistes, comme certains ont tenté de le faire, avec d'un côté les « bons » (Long, Fulton, etc.) et de l'autre les « mauvais » (Heizer, Smithson, etc.) ; enfin, parce qu'on sait pertinemment où se situent les vrais problèmes de notre société, c'est-à-dire bien souvent aux antipodes des sites investis par les artistes précités, et ce quelles que soient leurs pratiques respectives et leur rapport à la terre. À la lumière de ces précisions, vous pouvez consulter cette immense revue de presse, qui examine sous de multiples angles l'une des œuvres d'art parmi les plus durables installées sur terre, construite pour 3500 ans selon Heizer, une œuvre finalement plus proche de l'écologie de l'esprit — jadis énoncée par Gregory Bateson — que de la doxa écologiste actuelle. Vous êtes comme toujours les bienvenus si vous souhaitez nous aider à améliorer cette base de donnée — comme vous le faites déjà ici.

2013 [↓2012] [↓2011] [Los Angeles] [⌂]
[Nov] [...] [June] [May] [Apr] [Mar] [Feb] [Jan]

Novembre | November 2012
27 - ENR California
25 - Observations
20 - Philip Greenspun
20 - LACMA
19 - Earthbound Moon
13 - Realize Magazine (video)
12 - Read (AE)
08 - Boksuli-express (HU)
06 - Креативные идеи в фотографиях (RU)
05 - Rome the Second Time
Octobre | October 2012
31 - Vogue (PT)
29 - 365 Los Angeles
29 - Je t'aime California
27 - Experiencing LA
23 - My Modern Met (photos)
22 - In the Air (Art news & gossip) 
20 - MATT Construction (photo***)
16 - Melrose Fairfax
10 - Global Graphica (photos)
05 - MATT construction
Septembre | September 2012
29 - South. Calif. Public Radio (photos)
21 - Pay it Forward 
20 - The Offending Adam (poems)
17 - Art Info
03 - Cadogantate (***)
03 - Kukhahnyoga's
Août | August 2012
30 - Jet Law  
18 - West Coast Pop (photo)  
15 - Detail Daily  
14 - Detail (DE)
14 - The Huffington Post 
10 - Athenna  
04 - Soho Jay (photos)
Juillet | July 2012
31 - LA Times (Actual Size)  
31 - Private LA Tours 
30 - Discover LA (photo) 
25 - Art Daily
23 - The Huffington Post
13 - Architectural Digest (FR) 
09 - View from a blog (photos)
07 - Church of the Good Shepherd
07 - LA Times
05 - Zeit (.DE)
05 - Campus Circle
05 - PR (Shannon & Wilson)
05 - Le Monde (.FR)
04 - Aspen Daily News (Levitating Mass)
02 - OBSART (EN)
Juin | June 2012
30 - Champion Newspapers 
30 - OBSART (FR)
29 - Observation Point (drawing)
29 - Latino California (ES)
29 - CA Home+Design
29 - Arts Beat LA
28 - Wikipedia (FR)
28 - Métro (FR)
27 - Le Monde (.FR)
27 - Viva News (ID)
27 - Новости (RU)
27 - LA Times
27 - Roadside America
27 - Mega Portail (photos)
27 -  The Architect's Newspaper
26 - Taraf (TR)
26 - In the Air
26 - The Dream Being (photos)
25 - Wikipedia (EN)
25 - Vanguardia (.ES)
25 - Le Matin (.FR)
25 - Infrascape Design
25 - AMA (.FR)
25 - Reuters (.UK)
25 - LACMA on Fire
25 - Infrascape Design (details) 
25 - Some Recommendations (flyer) 
25 - Krone (.AT)
25 - Welt (.DE)
25 - Deutchland Radio (.DE)
25 - Spiegel (.DE)
25 - LA Weekly Blog
25 - LA Times
24 - Observatoire de l'Art Contemporain (FR)
24 - The Republic
24 - Tesserae (photo)
24 - The Hollywood Reporter
24 - SCPR 
24 - LA Observed
24 - Glasstire (painting)
24 - LAist (slide show)
24 - The Huffington Post (slide show)
24 - LA Times
24 - LA Times (photo+video)
24 - LA Times
22 - The Press Enterprise (video)
22 - NBC Los Angeles
22 - Press Telegram
22 - LA Times (Levitating Mass)
21 - LACMA
21 - LA Times
20 - Inland News Today (radio)
20 - NPR (radio)
20 - KCET (photos)
18 - LA Times (homage)
14 - LA photo
11 - The Press Enterprise
06 - Durham Press
03 - Eye on Portland
Mai | May 2012
31 - The/Aesthete (photos)
31 - Alaska Public
29 - Infrascape Design
29 - LA Photo 
28 - Art Map 
25 - Examiner
25 - Acasculpture (.BL)
25 - Gallerist NY
25 - The Baltimore Sun (3D model)
25 - LA Times
24 - Everything long Beach
22 - The Big Story 
22 - Daily News
22 - LACMA
21 - Zev's Blog
15 - Truck Trend (description+photos)

Avril | April 2012 
25 - Yelp (photos)
24 - LA Photo
23 - Infrascape Design
19 - Zev's Blog 
11 - The Centaurian 
05 - Beverly Press
03 - RTN (.CH)
01 - Chris Navin 
Mars | March 2012
29 - The American Interest
26 - LA Photo
26 - Lear Center
26 - Durham Press
26 - Tammy Kaehler
22 - LA Weekly
22 - Art21 blog (photos)
21 - The Art Muse (photos)
21 - Shelter Ring (photos)
21 - Olson Visual
21 - OBSART (.FR) via Libération
20 - Documentary Photography
20 - LA Times (interactive document) 
19 - Cheval Florence
16 - Fastcocreate (photos)
16 - Pic.joinsmsn (.KR)
15 - The Next Family
15 - Société Perrier
15 - LA Times (photo)
15 - Casey Sharpe (photos)
15 - LACMA
14 - Hyde or Die (num)
14 - Picture Journals (photos)
14 - LAist (photo+video+num)
14 - The Wall Street Journal
14 - Zev's Blog
13 - Zev's Blog (photo+num)  
13 - Zev's Blog (video)
13 - Infrascape Design
13 - Arts Grants Finder
12 - Realty Store (photo)
12 - The Hollywood Reporter
12 - Socal 101 TV (video)
12 - Le Ben Franklin Post (.FR)
12 - Flash Art Online
12 - LA Times
12 - LA Times (video)
12 - Art Info
12 - LACMA on Fire
11 - Mixed Meters (photos)
11 - Blogging L.A. (video)
11 - Toronto Savvy (photos)
11 - Juan and Sirinja (photos)
11 - Il Manifesto (.IT)
10 - The New York Times (slide show)
10 - LA Curbed (photos)
10 - Free Republic (photos+links)
10 - LA Photo
10 - America24 (.IT)
10 - Zev's Blog
10 - Natalie Loves I (photo)
10 - Dougressions
10 - The Associated Press
10 - The New York Times
09 - LA Weekly Blog
09 - Occasional Piece (photos)
09 - LA Times
08 - LA Weekly
08 - LA I'm Yours
08 - Arrested motion (photos + video)
08 - The Huffington Post (slide show)
08 - Zev's Blog
07 - Nbc Los Angeles (video)
07 - Hyperallergic
07 - Gizmag (photos)
07 - aTVnews 
07 - Zev's Blog
06 - Long Beach Report (photos)
06 - LA Times
06 - L.A. Dreamer (watercolor)
06 - Daily Titan (photo)
06 - Art Info
06 - Zev's Blog (photo)
05 - LACMA on Fire
05 - Everything Long Beach 
05 - The Elbow Patch
05 - Portail du Land Art (.FR)
04 - Zev's Blog
04 - J. is a bird (photos)
03 - Tintuc Hiha (.VN)
03 - Walnut Patch (video)
03 - Madame Figaro (.FR)
03 - Occasional Piece (photos+videos)
03 - Daily Buletin (photos)
03 - Daily News (photos)
02 - LA Curbed (photos)
02 - LA Weekly Blog 
02 - News99ys (.CN)
02 - 18 Wheel Beauties (photos)
02 - Novinky (.CZ)
02 - Tinmoi (.VN)
02 - Zev's Blog (photos)
02 - Le Quotidien du Peuple (CN / FR)
02 - The North Western
02 - 1x57 (photos)
01 - Daily Buletin (photos)
01 - Zev's Blog
01 - Libération (FR)
01 - Buro Happold (***)
01 - LA Times 
01 - Zing (.VN)
01 - Chosun (.KR)
Février | February 2012
29 - The Long Now Foundation (drawings)
29 - Merced Sun-Star (slide show)
29 - LA Observed (photo)
29 - Ted Soqui (photos)
29 - J. is a Bird
29 - New York Times (photo)
29 - The Evening Sun (photos)
29 - OBSART (340t, first steps | premiers pas) 
29 - Haberciniz (.TR)
29 - Inlandsocal (Janet Zimmerman)
29 - LA Weekly Blog (night photos)
29 - LA Weekly Blog
29 - The Huffington Post
29 - Zev's Blog
29 - US News (John Rogers, AP)
29 - Larchmont Buzz (Miracle Mile...)
28 - Lrytas (.LT)
28 - Delfi (.LV)
28 - The Press-Enterprise
28 - KABC-TV (television)
28 - LACMA (Guide)
28 - LA Times
27 - Sea of Gray
27 - Throughstones
27 - South. Calif. Public Radio (interview: M. Govan)
26 - ABC News
26 - Laundrelles
26 - The Press Enterprise
25 - CBS L.A. (radio)
25 - Arte para Informate
24 - Cerritos
24 - LACMA
23 - LA Observed
23 - Zev's Blog
21 - Inland News Today (radio)  
20 - 365 Oranges (photo)
16 - Woman in the middle (photos)
15 - KCET
14 - Form 
10 - Throughstones
05 - The Press-Enterprise
04 - Holland Herald
Janvier | January 2012 
26 - Chris Chomyn
24 - Sputnik Off Road (photos)
25 - Inland News Today (radio)
20 - MCW Mid City West Community Council
13 - Fortunadrago (.IT)
13 - Fliegender 
09  - OBSART / Centro Rochas (.PT)
07  - OBSART
06  - GG Art
05  - KABC-TV (television)
04  - California Highways
04  - LA Curbed
03  - San Gabriel Valley Tribune
03  - Durham Press
02  - Die Bruger (.ZA)
02  - Diamond Bar Patch (municipality of Los Angeles)
02  - HS (.FI)
01  - Real Estate Tips 

2011 [↓2013] [↑2012] [Los Angeles] [⌂]
[Dec] [Nov] [Oct] [Sep] [Aug] [Jul] [Jun] [May] [Apr] [Mar]

Décembre | December 2011
30 - Architizer
29 - AdensI (.FR)
29 - O Globo (.PT)
29 - Inside Art (.IT)
29 - OBSART (drawing)
28 - KCRW (interview, 1:57-11:33)
28 - KCRW (documentary film about the transfer of the boulder)
28 - Republica (.IT)
28 - LAist
27 - LA Weekly
27 - Gallerist NY
27 - New York Times
23 - OBSART (photo)
20 - Create Daily
18 - LA Observed
15 - Sculpture Adventures
12 - Korea Times
08  - Zev Yaroslavsky's blog (L.A.county supervisor)
03  - The Dorsey Post
02  - LA Times (elevation)
01  - LA Magazine
Novembre | November 2011
29 - OBSART (photos)
28 - Infrascape Design
28 - Archinect (elevation)
26 - ChicoER
26 - Mother Jones
25 - LACMA
25 - Howard Junker (photos)
25 - Korea Daily (.KR)
24 - LA Times
23 - Gloria weddings
11 - Miguel Olmos (.ES)
11 - Cultura (.NL)
10 - LACMA
09  - Daily Trojan
09  - Smithsonian
09  - OBSART
08  - LACMA
08  - Laundelles
07  - Artysta (.PL)
03  - NPR Intern Edition
02  - LACMA
02  - Daily Tech Info (.RU)
Octobre | October 2011
31  - Art Expo India
29  - The Media Hype
28  - Buro Happold
27  - World Trade 100
25  - WCS Permits
25  - Zev Yaroslavsky's blog (L.A.county supervisor)
24  - The Huffington Post
24  - KCET
23  - Lane Barden (photos)
21  - The Press-Enterprise
20  - Modern Steel Construction
20  - Modern Art Notes
19  - Daniel Celluci
19  - USA découverte (.FR)
18  - Awaiting Alice
18  - LA Pulse (photos)
17  - LACMA
17  - Delighted Observationist
17  - AIC
14  - Hello Los Angeles
14  - Ezoteryczny Foliant (.PL)
14  - LAist
14  - The Atlantic Wire
14  - OBSART
13  - LA Curbed
13  - Zev Yaroslavsky's blog (L.A.county supervisor)
13  - Gizmodo (.UK)
13  - Suburban Men
12  - Gizmodo (.AU)
11  - Kultura Online (.PL)
11  - In the Air
11  - KCRW
10  - Panoramio
10  - ARTiculations
10  - Quarry Magazine
10  - Durham Press
08  - Larchmont Buzz
08  - BNR (.NL)
08  - Street Hassle
07  - LA Daily Mirror
07  - The New York Times (photos)
07  - The New York Times
05  - Taipei Times (AP)
04  - Kosmo! Online (.MY)
04  - The Stranger
04  - British Airways Travel Ind.
04  - Rock and Roll Music
03  - Planeta Bizaro (.PT)
03  - Design You Trust
03  - Arab Times (AP)
03  - Kunst Blog (.NL)
02  - Global Good News Culture (John Rogers, AP)
Septembre | September 2011
30 - The Art Newspaper
27 - The Architect's Newspaper
27 - LACMA
26 - Haute Living
26 - LACMA on Fire
25 - Angeleno (magazine)
23 - Off Center
23 - Free Online Info
23 - LA Curbed
22 - Los Angeles Times
15 - LACMA on Fire
Août | August 2011
23 - LA Basic
16 - Zev Yaroslavsky's blog (L.A.county supervisor)
11 - California Home+Design
04  - LA Curbed
01  - Los Angeles Magazine 
Juillet | July 2011
07   - Haute Living
04   - LA Observed
02   - Sfyp World Journal (CN)
Juin | June 2011
29 - Zev Yaroslavsky's blog (L.A.county supervisor)
23 - Beverly Press
21 - Standard-Examiner
20 - Jeff Flake's blog (congressman, Arizona)
17 - uShip
16 - WCS Permits (photo)
15 - Chinese Daily News (.CN)
15 - LA Curbed
15 - View of Vermeer
15 - KABC-TV (television)
14 - Newser
14 - NBC News (television)
14 - CBS L.A. (television)
14 - View from a Loft
14 - The Press-Enterprise
Mai | May 2011
18 - Green Change
18 - The Huffington Post
17 - LA Observer
17 - LACMA
15 - Los Angeles Times 
Avril | April 2011
07  - The Huffington Post
06  - Arts•meme

Mars | March 2011
28 - LACMA on Fire

Los Angeles [↑2011] [↑2012] [↓2013] [⌂]
Cliquer sur « Previous Entries » à la fin des articles publiés par le LACMA. 
Click on “Previous Entries” at the end of the articles published by LACMA.
Zev Yaroslavsky (17)  
LACMA, Unframed (29)
- Rita Gonzalez, Art in the Tar Pits and other “Lost” Works
Infrascape Design (9)
LA Times (10)
LA Observed (23)
X-TRA (1)
LA Weekly (1) 

340 grammes déplacés during Levitated Mass by Michael Heizer 

1 commentaire: